A Story
攤 = spread out / share
(扌 hand + 黄 yellow? + 隹 short-tailed bird)
手 = hand
攤手 = dispersing hand
攤手 referred to as "taan sau" in Wing Chun is a hand position and movement.
2.1.23 Day 1
The hand is palm-up with fingers together, palm is parallel to ground and slightly bent inwards as if to hold a drop of water. The elbow is directly behind the hand. The 中手 eye of the hand/wrist bone, the forearm and elbow is in line with the the center line from the 心口 solar plex. In it's fully extended position, the elbow is about the distance of a fist away from the body and is slightly bent toward the body, but with the hand still parallel to the ground.
This appears in the first, second and third part of 小念頭 Siu Nim Tau. The first is slow, considered the "breath of taan sau." The second is brief, where the 破中 por jong opens up into a taan sau, right before turning into a 伏手 fook sau for a 窒手 jut. The third taan sau comes out fast and quickly transitions into a 耕手 gaan sau.
5.4.23 Day 23 - The Breath of 攤手 Taan Sau
Sifu: Taan sau is not flat – fingers together, like holding water. This is called the breath of taan sau. As you're breathing, the breath goes down the chest and below to fill the bottom of the lungs. Then, it goes back up your back, through the nose, guided by the arm and into the palm, into the breath of taan sau.
Date Added: 1/31/2023
Last Updated: 6/30/2023